Season 2, Episode 8 – Matt Bertulli

  • Matthew Bertulli is a software engineer, reluctantly turned into a marketer and entrepreneur. People frequently refer to Matt as the world’s first digital garbage man, and he is on a mission to save the

    planet one bucket of compost at a time.

    Matt is an “in the weeds entrepreneur” that loves building companies because he believes free enterprise is the best path to solving the world’s largest problems. After bootstrapping his first company to 100+ people over 10+ years he sold it to private equity in 2018 to focus entirely on solving the world’s waste problem.

    Matt is the co-founder and CEO currently running two consumer brands in Pela Case and Lomi. Pela is a certified B-corp, has Jay-Z as a notable investor, was named Top 10 in the Canadian Business Growth 500 ranking and is #1 in Deloitte’s Fast 50 for cleantech businesses in Canada.


If Elon Musk can put a gas station in a garage, why can’t you put a landfill in your kitchen? Joining us today is Matt Bertulli, CEO of eco-friendly company Lomi Home Composter- the first countertop composting appliance on the market. Does that sound too good to be true?

Ashley certainly agrees, but she bought Lomi anyways and now has the greenest lawn in the neighborhood, sans chemicals. In this episode, Matt challenges our notions about the power of capitalism and impact entrepreneurship to effect change. Ashley and Matt discuss all things waste streams and management, the impressive climate impact of composting, why we should focus on progress over perfection, solving social problems with the market, the complexities of venture capital, the challenges of staying on mission, the importance of intellectual honesty, and more.


Season 2, Episode 9 – Alexia Akbay


Season 2, Episode 7 – Paula Daniels