Season 2, Episode 2 – Helena Bottemiller Evich


The less news coverage you have, the less accountability. In a society where local news outlets are collapsing, news is becoming more and more consolidated, news mistrust is at an all time high, and outlets are dependent on corporate funding, choosing to be an independent investigative journalist is an act of serious heroism.

Today, we have Helena Bottemiller Evich, founder and editor-in-chief of Food Fix, the go-to source for food policy news and analysis. Helena is an award-winning reporter who previously led food coverage at Politico.

In this episode, Helena and Ashley dive deep into the infant formula debacle and its relationship to the larger food conversation, why food policy deserves its own beat, why Helena classifies herself as an “accidental journalist”, why media coverage in politics matters, what the investigative process looks like, how we maintain connection with people we deeply disagree with, and more. 


Season 2, Episode 3 – Sophia Roe


Season 2, Episode 1 – John Bucher